忙了一个上午, 终于把每次想要等到回家时想要做的事给做完了!!! 衣收了, 书该丟的, 也丟了, 要收拾整齐干净的, 也都归位了...hmm...就连杂七杂八的首饰, 我也都于今天上午弄好了....真的....嗯...好像没什么事可做了!!!
我想这算是我呆在家里最久的一次了吧 :) 久的连我都快要不记得有多久了...只觉得好像好久没见到我的tesco frens liao!!! Really miss them so much...they r so sweet...especially is "intimate" Reise, she always keep me in touch and concern abt my job search's progress :) She really is a sweety, calls me jz to listen from me, feel damn touch.
hehe...last nite chated wi my sis again!! Both of us already exhausted, yet when we went to bed, haha...we chat again til duno wat time :D I told her, i would like to work in KL, coz duno y, i still prefer to work in KL!!!Even though uses earning money as my motivation, i still cant go for it!!! Hmm..mayb is jz like what Ewa had said, i already get used with living style in KL liao gua...duno la...
I'm wondering y i will tell my sis abt the idea tat i would like to work in KL. After a period of self evaluation i found tat the main reason was simply bcoz i want to get support fr ppl. How come I always hesitate abt the thing i wanted to do!How come i always need other's encouragement for me to hang on. How come I'm so useless and lousy! How come i always need ppl to do so for me to moving on! So many "how come" to answer.... Do i really ever answer those "how come's" question in my life!!! How come i always let it go...how come i allow for so many "how come" to take over in my life? How come...and how come....suddenly so many "how come" pop out of my mind...
During our conversation, we talked a lot...haha..then i realized "Woo~~ 我妹长大咯" Tis gal ah, really....i'm really so 服 to her or even can be said is envy her!!! Both of my elder and younger sis is Leo, the characteristic of them is 敢作敢为, 敢爱敢狠!!! Ohh.. how i wish i could be like them, 好潇洒哦 :D Hmm...both of my sis are such brave and strong gal, how come they will have me as a 胆小, 没用又懦弱的妹和二姐哦?? Bcoz of my weakness, i allowed for so many regrets and unanswered questions take over in my life...Haha..we talked and shared a lot abt each other's "love story".
Haha, in fact we found tat we have too many common things in our love story liao...haha..we like a person who dun really ever 真正的向我们表白过, yet going thru many things tat seem like couple. Haha, duno is whether we are too 白目 or our 暗恋的对象 is too frendly and thus we got the illusion and misunderstanding feeling!!!
我们都好像一直在碰到 "喜欢的人不喜欢我" 的问题!!嘻嘻...同时也觉得自己好坏蛋噢, 总是和对我们有好感的人抱着"只是好朋友" 的态度!!总不时的提醒他说"我现在只想和你做朋友,将来的事我现在不想想太多." 也没有直接说明他是否有机会, 语带保留.可能自己也非常清楚地明白感情是可以培养的, 怕自己在不知不觉中被他所做的一些事而感动... 又或着是...其实自己总希望在被爱的那个人拒绝和失落时, 有个人在那儿为你等待吧...Wuu...也许人就是自私无耻的吧!!!
可是话说会来, 也不是我们故意的嘛...可能因为他不是我们心中占有一席之地的那一位吧, 所以总是不自觉地拿他和心中那一个来做比较...哎...须知得不到的永远是最好的...哈....所以还是认命吧!!!真的只是想和他做朋友, 因为在还没有得到一个确切的答案是, 心中也都容不下其他人了嘛...也许这就是我们永远都得不到我们爱的那个人的原因吧...都把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里, 不给别人机会, 这么知道他原来才是我们的真爱呢??原来他才是最适合我们呢? 嘻...一句话啦, 就是死脑筋嘛 :O 哈哈...这也解释了我们为什么会做老姑婆的原因吧 :O Haha...ya ya ya...mayb is we think too much liao lo :) 好男人永远是别人的, 嘻嘻...我们还没有修到这么好的福气啦 :D
Well, still got to praise u for a while la my dear sis, u really 太棒了!!! 虽然你要的答案很伤人....但至少你知道你不需要在浪费青春去等待那个不爱你的人了. Wish u get ur true love soon :) open urself, u r the best ;p (姐姐与你共勉之)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
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