Friday, March 16, 2007


嘻嘻, 刚刚追看了两集的话样少年少女.哈哈...无可否认的...真是超赞的啦...只要一看到Ella三八又夸张的演出, 我又笑到肚皮都要裂了...连我妹都受不了我了, 哈哈哈哈.... :D
看到了Ella's 戏, reminded me of her "The Rose". haha...dear, that series i still hvnt finish watched it :D
Hmm...even though i'm watching Ella's series now, haha..but the feel is different lo. When we were 701 the time, we watched "The Rose" by using ur laptop, lying on the it until 有日没夜 ;p Yet now, me watching at home by using the big screen tv, sitting far away fr the screen on the sofa...alone...not ppl laugh wi i hv to tahan my laugh, hmm...coz scares wake them up :( Hmm...感觉就是不一样咯,虽然一样都是我们喜欢的Ella演的戏, 嘻嘻, 可是总觉得少了一点点什么似的...没那么好笑了...
Hmm...应该是少了我们两个的present to watch it together la...tat's y 老是觉得缺了些什么...哈哈...如果我们两个在...一定笑到给邻居报警投诉 :D
嘻嘻, 好了...不写了...130 咯...如果我爸爸突然醒来上厠所, 看到我还对着电脑...then i sure kena 1!!! hehe, ok la dear, u gambahteh for ur assign oh!!! support u mentally :D u r the best ;p

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