噢...好郁闷的一天哦 :C
嗯...本来今天应该去验血做身体检查的...嘻嘻, 但是因为身体太累了...所以就打消了原有的计划!!!
哈哈, 不需要做身体检查是蛮开心的...因为不需要被抽血嘛 :P
然后, 这次回来的重头戏是去逛pasar malam buy the watch and short pants 1!!! But who knows...all the plan failed...
最可气的是...只有我的计划是失败的....噢....为什么又是只有我的计划会失败!!!! 好郁闷噢!!!!
没得去pasar malam的郁闷指数- :( :( :( :( :( :(
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
hmm... 好怕這種身體好累,但頭腦卻又很清醒的感覺!!!因為, 這感覺太折磨人了...好痛苦喔...已經連續幾個晚上是這樣子了... :x
Haha...well, soon, i'm going back to my home sweet home again lo :D Hehe..then during that time, i can have a nice and tight sleep liao lo...hehe...hopefully i be able to la :)
hmm... 好怕這種身體好累,但頭腦卻又很清醒的感覺!!!因為, 這感覺太折磨人了...好痛苦喔...已經連續幾個晚上是這樣子了... :x
Haha...well, soon, i'm going back to my home sweet home again lo :D Hehe..then during that time, i can have a nice and tight sleep liao lo...hehe...hopefully i be able to la :)
還以為自己上了 kl will be very happy, but it seems like everything went wrong!!!
duno, confuse again!!!
At the moment i stepped out fr the bus, i been shocked!!!
Shocked by the rushing people, rushing traffic and tis rushing capital...
I was horrified...suddenly, i missing home....oh my...MISSING HOME out fr my mouth!!! I tot i was jz running away fr it...but, how come, out of sudden...i missing my home, my comp corner, my bed, my vcd, and most importantly...missing my sis so much....for i couldnt 38 chatting wi her :D hahaha.....my dear sis, i know i know, u too damn missing me very much rite, for no ppl to chatting wi u b4 we sleep :D Is kind of addicted tat we wait for each other b4 we go to bed, b4 we fall asleep,b4 another daybreak :D
Haha...jz like wat u had said liao, both of us is "懶惰胚子",扶不直的啦 :D
duno, confuse again!!!
At the moment i stepped out fr the bus, i been shocked!!!
Shocked by the rushing people, rushing traffic and tis rushing capital...
I was horrified...suddenly, i missing home....oh my...MISSING HOME out fr my mouth!!! I tot i was jz running away fr it...but, how come, out of sudden...i missing my home, my comp corner, my bed, my vcd, and most importantly...missing my sis so much....for i couldnt 38 chatting wi her :D hahaha.....my dear sis, i know i know, u too damn missing me very much rite, for no ppl to chatting wi u b4 we sleep :D Is kind of addicted tat we wait for each other b4 we go to bed, b4 we fall asleep,b4 another daybreak :D
Haha...jz like wat u had said liao, both of us is "懶惰胚子",扶不直的啦 :D
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Haha... wat a nice title!!! When hair meet the hair dresser :D Hehe...wat can be happened??? Haa...the result will be...ur hair become so "obey" in the hand of hair dresser lo :D
Jz now, my sis and i went to have a hair cut where our cousin highly recommended us to go to have a new look. Actually, only my sis wanna to trim her hair..haha..but who knows, at the end, i oso cut it liao, coz honestly, the hairstlist's 手势really not bad lo ;p 完全符合了我这懒人不爱打理头发的习惯, simple and nice yet need not have to spend too much time on upkeeping my hair :) hehe..i can jz go out without combing my hair :O
Hehe...is kind of silly gal look lo after the hair cut. Haa..but duno y, i like it oh :D Well, actually this hair makes my face look rounder. Haha...now my look is jz like a big biscuit face wi a mushroom head....Haha...damn silly funny look lo!!! Well, still like it very much, no complain at all after finished cutting. I like it immediately on the moment i saw him trim my hair :)
Hehe...the nice silly hair cut really lights up my day though :D Haha...所以当头发遇到理发师=奇迹的发生咯 (哈哈...让原本毫无生气的头发重生咯) :D
Jz now, my sis and i went to have a hair cut where our cousin highly recommended us to go to have a new look. Actually, only my sis wanna to trim her hair..haha..but who knows, at the end, i oso cut it liao, coz honestly, the hairstlist's 手势really not bad lo ;p 完全符合了我这懒人不爱打理头发的习惯, simple and nice yet need not have to spend too much time on upkeeping my hair :) hehe..i can jz go out without combing my hair :O
Hehe...is kind of silly gal look lo after the hair cut. Haa..but duno y, i like it oh :D Well, actually this hair makes my face look rounder. Haha...now my look is jz like a big biscuit face wi a mushroom head....Haha...damn silly funny look lo!!! Well, still like it very much, no complain at all after finished cutting. I like it immediately on the moment i saw him trim my hair :)
Hehe...the nice silly hair cut really lights up my day though :D Haha...所以当头发遇到理发师=奇迹的发生咯 (哈哈...让原本毫无生气的头发重生咯) :D
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Last nite, ewa and i went to pasar malam. Haha..tis gal, really knows me well, she knows me luv to hang in pasar malam. So, she'll ask me to jalan pasar malam whenever she is able to bring me to the pasar malam :D
Hehe, hey dear, i know u dun like me to say "thanks" to u...hehe...well, i really appreciated a lot for u to come and fetch me to lepak whenever u r free, 10x for ur sharing, advice and ur 'special super VVIP privilege' for me to truoble u when i'm down :) and 10x for ur patient to pointing out my weakness.
Hmm..yes,yes, yes, got to admit tat i'm really blessed among u guys, who i'm always been well protected and advised before i got a chance to fall down. Really 10x for listening to me blar blar on those little silly things while u guys r hving more important things to do :) 10x for always spending u guys' time wi me while u guys can actually have a good rest :)
Dear, i know u got a lot of regrets throughout ur life...study, luv relationship, life style, work, and etc. Hehe...also need thanks for ur patient to listen on my same console phrase tat without any obvious help for u :) Well, on tis morning, i heard the radio, they said "life is full of regrets, yet the most important thing is tat u know how to appreciate ur sorrowfull”.
Hmm..sounds so wu nai rite? Well, tat is life, either u got to take it or leave it. So, since we choose to take it liao, then we got to bear wi the consequences as well :( Haihh…wat a life, full of wu nai! Well, we still got to be positive in our mind, haha, tat is how u teach and console me when I’m suck :) For whatever situation tat we face, it sure has a lesson or a purpose for us to learn it :)
Today’s pain will be the success on tomorrow :D Hence, for the sake of our better future, we got to bear with it :) Hehe, dear, so we got to gambathe together lo, for our better future, do not give up, cheers ;p

Hehe, hey dear, i know u dun like me to say "thanks" to u...hehe...well, i really appreciated a lot for u to come and fetch me to lepak whenever u r free, 10x for ur sharing, advice and ur 'special super VVIP privilege' for me to truoble u when i'm down :) and 10x for ur patient to pointing out my weakness.
Hmm..yes,yes, yes, got to admit tat i'm really blessed among u guys, who i'm always been well protected and advised before i got a chance to fall down. Really 10x for listening to me blar blar on those little silly things while u guys r hving more important things to do :) 10x for always spending u guys' time wi me while u guys can actually have a good rest :)
Dear, i know u got a lot of regrets throughout ur life...study, luv relationship, life style, work, and etc. Hehe...also need thanks for ur patient to listen on my same console phrase tat without any obvious help for u :) Well, on tis morning, i heard the radio, they said "life is full of regrets, yet the most important thing is tat u know how to appreciate ur sorrowfull”.
Hmm..sounds so wu nai rite? Well, tat is life, either u got to take it or leave it. So, since we choose to take it liao, then we got to bear wi the consequences as well :( Haihh…wat a life, full of wu nai! Well, we still got to be positive in our mind, haha, tat is how u teach and console me when I’m suck :) For whatever situation tat we face, it sure has a lesson or a purpose for us to learn it :)
Today’s pain will be the success on tomorrow :D Hence, for the sake of our better future, we got to bear with it :) Hehe, dear, so we got to gambathe together lo, for our better future, do not give up, cheers ;p

Monday, March 19, 2007
第四类情感, 比友情多, 比爱情少
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 不打着友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
所谓"第四者", 是续"第三者"之后出现的一种感情对象, "第四维情感" 属于柏拉图式的精神情感, 奉行只谈感情不谈实物, 只要过程不要结果的方针.
"第四这"并不是一个新生事物, 古已有之, 男人的第四者叫"红颜知己", 女人的第四者叫"青衫之交", 也许"青衫之交"这种说法过于文雅, 除了书面用语外, 早已谈出了我们的生活, 现代女性更喜欢使用一个平权色彩强烈的词汇, 来称呼她们的"第四者"---蓝颜知己!
从表面上看, "第四者"不像"第三者" 那样富于攻击性和破坏力, "第三者"磨刀霍霍, 登堂入室, 巧取豪夺, "第四者" 则以互不干涉和影响各自生活为前提, 各取所需.
在现代人情感方式日趋多元化的今天, 这种看似"有益无害"的男女新关系, 也 被一些人称为"绿色情感".
"第四者"不屑于与庸常的婚姻纠缠, 他们没有养家, 生子等诸多考虑, 不必顾忌门当户对和存折上的数字, 他们互相安慰, 理解, 有点想念, 优点关心,却不涉及太过煽情的话题, 他们追求心领神会, 心意相通, 心有灵犀.
"第四维情感"徘徊于友情和爱情之间, 具体来说, 就是比友情多一些, 比爱情少一点的男女之情, 此类情感不能算是纯粹的爱情, 却又超乎普通的友情, 有人谓之"情感中的上品"!
"第四维情感"看上去潇洒, 自由, 但也是最不容易把握,最难处理的一种感情.
这是因为一对异性知己之间, 一般都有很深的感情基础, 有的甚至比夫妻的感情还要深, 却因为各种原因没有在一起, 或者不愿意走在一起.
人非草木, 日久可能因情生爱, 原本柏拉图式的精神情感可能会自觉或不自觉的超越精神生活的范围, 纯洁的底线可能变得模糊甚至崩溃, "第四者" 变成"第三者", 这时候知己不再单纯是知己, 该如何界定就要看事情的发展了.
所以, 在第四维情感里, 丰富历练的成熟心灵是必要的, "尺度" 问题更是非常重要, 把持住"尺度", 才能保证彼此不受伤害, 不受诱惑.
怎样判断"第四者"还是"第三者"呢? 知己莫若己, 问自己你的身体是否像你的精神一样需要她/他?你们彼此靠近的渴望是否超过了理智控制的范畴?
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 敢作敢当, 不打著友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
能做红颜知己的, 必是女人中的精品, 能拥有红颜知己的, 必是男人中的智者.
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 不打着友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
所谓"第四者", 是续"第三者"之后出现的一种感情对象, "第四维情感" 属于柏拉图式的精神情感, 奉行只谈感情不谈实物, 只要过程不要结果的方针.
"第四这"并不是一个新生事物, 古已有之, 男人的第四者叫"红颜知己", 女人的第四者叫"青衫之交", 也许"青衫之交"这种说法过于文雅, 除了书面用语外, 早已谈出了我们的生活, 现代女性更喜欢使用一个平权色彩强烈的词汇, 来称呼她们的"第四者"---蓝颜知己!
从表面上看, "第四者"不像"第三者" 那样富于攻击性和破坏力, "第三者"磨刀霍霍, 登堂入室, 巧取豪夺, "第四者" 则以互不干涉和影响各自生活为前提, 各取所需.
在现代人情感方式日趋多元化的今天, 这种看似"有益无害"的男女新关系, 也 被一些人称为"绿色情感".
"第四者"不屑于与庸常的婚姻纠缠, 他们没有养家, 生子等诸多考虑, 不必顾忌门当户对和存折上的数字, 他们互相安慰, 理解, 有点想念, 优点关心,却不涉及太过煽情的话题, 他们追求心领神会, 心意相通, 心有灵犀.
"第四维情感"徘徊于友情和爱情之间, 具体来说, 就是比友情多一些, 比爱情少一点的男女之情, 此类情感不能算是纯粹的爱情, 却又超乎普通的友情, 有人谓之"情感中的上品"!
"第四维情感"看上去潇洒, 自由, 但也是最不容易把握,最难处理的一种感情.
这是因为一对异性知己之间, 一般都有很深的感情基础, 有的甚至比夫妻的感情还要深, 却因为各种原因没有在一起, 或者不愿意走在一起.
人非草木, 日久可能因情生爱, 原本柏拉图式的精神情感可能会自觉或不自觉的超越精神生活的范围, 纯洁的底线可能变得模糊甚至崩溃, "第四者" 变成"第三者", 这时候知己不再单纯是知己, 该如何界定就要看事情的发展了.
所以, 在第四维情感里, 丰富历练的成熟心灵是必要的, "尺度" 问题更是非常重要, 把持住"尺度", 才能保证彼此不受伤害, 不受诱惑.
怎样判断"第四者"还是"第三者"呢? 知己莫若己, 问自己你的身体是否像你的精神一样需要她/他?你们彼此靠近的渴望是否超过了理智控制的范畴?
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 敢作敢当, 不打著友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
能做红颜知己的, 必是女人中的精品, 能拥有红颜知己的, 必是男人中的智者.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
男人的女性知己叫红颜知己, 女人的男性知己叫青衫之交.
,比爱情少一些的男女之情,套现代人的说法,这叫 "第四维情感", 而红颜知己/青衫之交就是"第四维情感"中的"第四者".
"第四者" 是继"第三者"之后出现的另一种情感对象,这种情感只求内心与精神的愉悦,只谈感情,不谈实物,只要过程,不要结果.
红颜知己也罢,青衫之交也罢,在世人眼中,总是逃不脱诡轨秘秘的"色彩"."第四者"是天使还是魔鬼? 是纯情还是自欺? 这是一个很多人热烈争论的问题.
,比爱情少一些的男女之情,套现代人的说法,这叫 "第四维情感", 而红颜知己/青衫之交就是"第四维情感"中的"第四者".
"第四者" 是继"第三者"之后出现的另一种情感对象,这种情感只求内心与精神的愉悦,只谈感情,不谈实物,只要过程,不要结果.
红颜知己也罢,青衫之交也罢,在世人眼中,总是逃不脱诡轨秘秘的"色彩"."第四者"是天使还是魔鬼? 是纯情还是自欺? 这是一个很多人热烈争论的问题.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
哈哈...不知道是不是最近看了太多的浪漫爱情电视连续剧. 剧里, 男女主角都一直在鼓吹巧克力=浪漫=幸福=恋爱的感觉!!! 哈哈...所以最近我也迷恋上了吃巧克力 :D haha...some more is ferrero rocher!!! Woo~~ undeniably, it really damn nice and fantastic!!! Haa..duno since when, i started to like it very much liao...从以前不爱吃甜食的我, 现在竟然被巧克力给完全打败了 :O
之前也没觉得巧克力有多好吃的嘛!!! 可是, 就在昨天饭后, 也不知道为什么会走到冰箱去拿ferrero rocher to eat :D 嘻嘻, 可能是饭后没口感吧, 总觉得想吃些甜的, 又有些可以咀嚼的小东西...haha...so ferrero rocher was the best thing for me to do so lo.
哈哈...本来也没觉得怎么样的嘛.嘻...可是就是不知道为什么, 在突然之间...when the chocolate melted in mouth, Woo~~ suddenly feel so fantastic and 幸福被爱的感觉噢...
Haha...when i said tis to my sis, she gave me a 不削 look, haha..she said she doesnt feel so too!!!haha, my sis really doesnt know how to be romantic for a while while to 配合我感觉幸福一下嘛 :D
嘻嘻...现在饭后一粒巧克力, 成了我最大的幸福享受 :) 哈哈...一天一粒巧克力, 幸福开心一整天 :D
之前也没觉得巧克力有多好吃的嘛!!! 可是, 就在昨天饭后, 也不知道为什么会走到冰箱去拿ferrero rocher to eat :D 嘻嘻, 可能是饭后没口感吧, 总觉得想吃些甜的, 又有些可以咀嚼的小东西...haha...so ferrero rocher was the best thing for me to do so lo.
哈哈...本来也没觉得怎么样的嘛.嘻...可是就是不知道为什么, 在突然之间...when the chocolate melted in mouth, Woo~~ suddenly feel so fantastic and 幸福被爱的感觉噢...
Haha...when i said tis to my sis, she gave me a 不削 look, haha..she said she doesnt feel so too!!!haha, my sis really doesnt know how to be romantic for a while while to 配合我感觉幸福一下嘛 :D
嘻嘻...现在饭后一粒巧克力, 成了我最大的幸福享受 :) 哈哈...一天一粒巧克力, 幸福开心一整天 :D
Cheese cake breakfast
Haha…last nite I was doing the cheese cake again!! Coz fr the news paper article, I saw there recommended the benefits of cheese :) So I was thinking of my left over cheese fr last time I did. Then, without thinking too much, I jz went to refrigerator took out the cheese and make the cheese cake :D
The article reminded me of hving cheese in the daily breakfast ;p Woo~~is kind of new try for me to consume cheese cake as my breakfast…Haha…at least I didn’t try it b4 to eat cheese cake in the early morning lo :D
Cheese contains Conjugated Linolenic Acid. It belongs to good fatty acid. It prevents skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer as well as able to reduce the chance of getting heart diseases, diabetics. Lastly, the research found that the CLA is able to reduce the storage of fat. Hence, it is a good source to control the weight :D haha…amazingly rite…we always tot tat the cheese will increase the cholesterol yet fr the article, I start to realize the bright side of the cheese lo :D
The article reminded me of hving cheese in the daily breakfast ;p Woo~~is kind of new try for me to consume cheese cake as my breakfast…Haha…at least I didn’t try it b4 to eat cheese cake in the early morning lo :D
Cheese contains Conjugated Linolenic Acid. It belongs to good fatty acid. It prevents skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer as well as able to reduce the chance of getting heart diseases, diabetics. Lastly, the research found that the CLA is able to reduce the storage of fat. Hence, it is a good source to control the weight :D haha…amazingly rite…we always tot tat the cheese will increase the cholesterol yet fr the article, I start to realize the bright side of the cheese lo :D
Friday, March 16, 2007
嘻嘻, 刚刚追看了两集的话样少年少女.哈哈...无可否认的...真是超赞的啦...只要一看到Ella三八又夸张的演出, 我又笑到肚皮都要裂了...连我妹都受不了我了, 哈哈哈哈.... :D
看到了Ella's 戏, reminded me of her "The Rose". haha...dear, that series i still hvnt finish watched it :D
Hmm...even though i'm watching Ella's series now, haha..but the feel is different lo. When we were 701 the time, we watched "The Rose" by using ur laptop, lying on the bed...chase it until 有日没夜 ;p Yet now, me watching at home by using the big screen tv, sitting far away fr the screen on the sofa...alone...not ppl laugh wi me...plus i hv to tahan my laugh, hmm...coz scares wake them up :( Hmm...感觉就是不一样咯,虽然一样都是我们喜欢的Ella演的戏, 嘻嘻, 可是总觉得少了一点点什么似的...没那么好笑了...
Hmm...应该是少了我们两个的present to watch it together la...tat's y 老是觉得缺了些什么...哈哈...如果我们两个在...一定笑到给邻居报警投诉 :D
嘻嘻, 好了...不写了...130 咯...如果我爸爸突然醒来上厠所, 看到我还对着电脑...then i sure kena 1!!! hehe, ok la dear, u gambahteh for ur assign oh!!! support u mentally :D u r the best ;p
看到了Ella's 戏, reminded me of her "The Rose". haha...dear, that series i still hvnt finish watched it :D
Hmm...even though i'm watching Ella's series now, haha..but the feel is different lo. When we were 701 the time, we watched "The Rose" by using ur laptop, lying on the bed...chase it until 有日没夜 ;p Yet now, me watching at home by using the big screen tv, sitting far away fr the screen on the sofa...alone...not ppl laugh wi me...plus i hv to tahan my laugh, hmm...coz scares wake them up :( Hmm...感觉就是不一样咯,虽然一样都是我们喜欢的Ella演的戏, 嘻嘻, 可是总觉得少了一点点什么似的...没那么好笑了...
Hmm...应该是少了我们两个的present to watch it together la...tat's y 老是觉得缺了些什么...哈哈...如果我们两个在...一定笑到给邻居报警投诉 :D
嘻嘻, 好了...不写了...130 咯...如果我爸爸突然醒来上厠所, 看到我还对着电脑...then i sure kena 1!!! hehe, ok la dear, u gambahteh for ur assign oh!!! support u mentally :D u r the best ;p
Thursday, March 15, 2007
是透不过气吗?? 我不知道... 心里好累噢...真的好累...无助...心力交瘁...
爱与被爱都好累噢...我被爱的透不过气来了...爱的关心...不能怨!!! 怪只能怪自己不懂的如何来和的来与爱我及我爱的人来沟通和表达...
沟通与表达, 简单的来说不就是开口说话吗?? 我不是都常在说话吗??我这么爱说话, 这么三八!!! 原来说的都只是废话吗??说来说去都没说到重点!
是因为怕伤害到别人吗?? 还是因为不知道如何婉转的来表达与拒绝呢??
不说真话是为了要让他们好过一些吗?? 还是因为不想让他们操心呢?? 不知道, 真的不想知道...
突然之间, 好不想讲话哦!!! 只想静一下...
Dear, miss u so much oh...i like the way u luv me...no pressure, comfortable :) I need not hv to say too much yet u understand me.
I neeed not hv to pretend anything in front of u :)
I get tired of pretending strong, i'm ok in front of ppl...Yet, i duno how to relax of myself...or even can be said i cant be so...Hmm..or mayb i can while i still hvnt find the way to do so...
When u called me on last nite, my heart really break...i know u too very suffer. But dear, u know, to me, u r always a brave gal, 一个很棒很棒的女孩 :)
I know u dun like me to say tat, but deep down in my heart, i really so hate of myself for cant be there for u while u in time of need.
I feel 好心痛哦...为什么他们总爱打乱你平静的世界...也许我还太肤浅吧...看事只看表面...我真的好想把他们大骂一顿噢!!!
为什么我总是只能无助的站在一旁看着心爱的人在受委屈, 受人欺负...u like tat, Ewa like tat, Siew king like tat, Zanne like tat, both sis like tat, mom like tat...everyone oso like tat!!!
Jz feel kind of heart breaking...
Dear, dun worry, u know me stimes jz like to blar la. After tat i'll be fine la :) Jz wanna release my emotion for a while while only la, Hehe...even though i said so, i still know my silent present is very powerful and enough for u 1 la :)
10x dear...jz wanna say tat to u :) No matter wat time, no matter wat happen, u forever didnt interupt me la :) haha...kan we always like to wake each other up when we in trouble rite ;p
May god bless u and His peace be wi u :) Be strong and courageous :)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
一个人的一生, 朋友并不难找, 爱人也并不难寻,
这样, 人生才不无聊,
有一个旗鼓相当的人陪着, 不是很好?
自由, 不是来自环境的许可与否
这样, 人生才不无聊,
有一个旗鼓相当的人陪着, 不是很好?
自由, 不是来自环境的许可与否
Haha...last nite as usual, me and my sis chatted again...hehe..tis time duno chatted til wat time again :D haha..both of us really like to chat eh...hmm...genetic prb!!!
"我只是负责点火,烧起来是他们的事 " is last nite my sis's 经典名句 :D Hehe, in fact we two got the same blessing from god--- 很快的能和新朋友混熟 :) We are good in initiate the talking topic wi those new frens. Haha...most of the time, we hv good engagement wi those new frens ezly. We can talk to them wi no barrier,they too enjoy to talk wi us. Hehe... well...in fact, 在大多的时候, 在我们开始话题的不久后, 我们已渐渐抽离了...嘻嘻, 可是我们都会发现其实他们才刚刚投入我们的话题,然后才慢慢地high起来 :D 哈哈...所以我妹会说"我们只是负责点火, 烧起来是他们的事!!"
Recently, i recommended my sis wi a new song "kembali" fr a malaysian new singer, Vick. This song is recommended by teng. Hmm...my sis loves tis song so much so much...she even asked me for the lyric...I know, i know, tis song 唱出了她的心声...她受伤了...正在努力的在为自己疗伤...我知道你的伤, 你的痛, 你的恨...恨你自己这么的冲动...我都知道你一切一切的心情...虽然我不曾经历过情伤, 但我总是很有幸的那个, 可以陪身边亲爱的人一起经过情伤:)
Silent and accompanion is my best for u!!! I duno how hurt tat u hurt by the one u luv, but as the one who luv u, i know u really very hurt...I know u'll be fine soon :) times will be the best medicine for u to over it :) 黑夜虽然漫长可怕, 但天亮总在黑夜过后来临, 有人陪你一起讲天亮, 你就不会孤单到天亮了咯 :D
"我只是负责点火,烧起来是他们的事 " is last nite my sis's 经典名句 :D Hehe, in fact we two got the same blessing from god--- 很快的能和新朋友混熟 :) We are good in initiate the talking topic wi those new frens. Haha...most of the time, we hv good engagement wi those new frens ezly. We can talk to them wi no barrier,they too enjoy to talk wi us. Hehe... well...in fact, 在大多的时候, 在我们开始话题的不久后, 我们已渐渐抽离了...嘻嘻, 可是我们都会发现其实他们才刚刚投入我们的话题,然后才慢慢地high起来 :D 哈哈...所以我妹会说"我们只是负责点火, 烧起来是他们的事!!"
Recently, i recommended my sis wi a new song "kembali" fr a malaysian new singer, Vick. This song is recommended by teng. Hmm...my sis loves tis song so much so much...she even asked me for the lyric...I know, i know, tis song 唱出了她的心声...她受伤了...正在努力的在为自己疗伤...我知道你的伤, 你的痛, 你的恨...恨你自己这么的冲动...我都知道你一切一切的心情...虽然我不曾经历过情伤, 但我总是很有幸的那个, 可以陪身边亲爱的人一起经过情伤:)
Silent and accompanion is my best for u!!! I duno how hurt tat u hurt by the one u luv, but as the one who luv u, i know u really very hurt...I know u'll be fine soon :) times will be the best medicine for u to over it :) 黑夜虽然漫长可怕, 但天亮总在黑夜过后来临, 有人陪你一起讲天亮, 你就不会孤单到天亮了咯 :D
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
monkey monkey

haha...10x dear for putting tis cute pic in ur msn pic :D haha...i like it very much oh!!! hehe..do u know y....hmm..coz it seems like u ma :D hahaha....big round eye staring at ppl :O By the way, u really did a good job in captured those pic in calgary zoo ;p the effect is really nice :) 10x for sharing the calgary zoo's scene wi me, even though cant be there wi u, but still able to share wi wat u hv saw :)
Haha...lastly stilll wanna say LUV U MUCH MUCH oh ;p, haha even though feel very mushy and disgust...hahaha...still wanna let u know NN always luving JJ's mommy (beebee) much much, muak muak :D
Thanks mom

I got my mom's back up and understanding :) I'm really so blessed and glad to hv such loving mom :) Understang and flexible. Thanks mom for really 完全放手相信, 感谢你让我没有后顾之忧 :) 感谢你了解我的苦衷, 也许我选择的路对外人而言是很自私的, 但因为你的了解, 我知道即使再辛苦我也会努力的走下去的 :) Thanks for ur respect, support and advice to my choice. I know how shld i carry my way liao :) 10x god for giving me such a loving parents to nurture me :)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Am i too much
Yesterday i went to church, hmm..duno y...the pastor suddenly asked me "ehh...u didnt go back liao oh?" Haha...when i heard of tat, i kept laughing and turned my face to my sis and said...ya ya ya, then i'll be going back soon!! At 1st, i really feel tat is funny, coz for me, where my home is in jb ma, while for them, they all tot i back jb is only for holiday...or they tot i'm working in kl :) Hmm...well actually....quite complicated to explain my situation to them as well lo :) So, however, watever la
Then my sis said to me..."haih...u tis fellow, in fact u really didnt think of finding work in spore 1 oh!!!" 因她这一句话, 我又再一次的陷入了沉思的谷地... Suddenly i think of my parents...they r already old...my elder sis is going to be married and thus live in Sabah liao. She'll be other's wife and daughter liao. If i go to KL to work, is tat means they r going to loss another daughter again?? Hmm...i duno....i dun wanna stay here to suffer bcoz of my weird interaction wi dad...Well, neither do i dun wanna loss them bcoz of my work (if i work in KL la).
哦....真的好讨厌噢!!! Haha...jz like wat my sis face now, 为了不想让双方都失望...不想两头都不到岸...结果发现那根本是天方夜谈...到最后不但累了自己, 更是赔了夫人又折兵...两边都讨好不到还搞到自己被人怨...被人误解...真是太累又伤人... 心太软, 真的很累啊!
Ppl likes to have alternative, yet in fact, we hate to make the choice!!! We all wanna be perfect, but we too clearly know tat there is not perfection!!! I still remember wat my sis said before, "if possible, u can cut down the alternative for ppl to choose, coz that is very suffer for them to give up something that they like it almost equally!" Undeniable, sometimes i really found tat my sis is very the 赞啦....常不自觉的要夸她两句...总以为她好像年纪小小...入世未深. 但她所看到的, 体验的, 了解的..都比我这姐多.嘻嘻, 有时还觉得蛮惭愧的嘞 :D
Well, all i can do right now is to let go to god's hand, pray to him for giving me the road, shutting down all the doors among the way tat i'm going to go :) He will prepare the way for me, dun worry too much, jz be prepared :) Things will be fine soon :D
Then my sis said to me..."haih...u tis fellow, in fact u really didnt think of finding work in spore 1 oh!!!" 因她这一句话, 我又再一次的陷入了沉思的谷地... Suddenly i think of my parents...they r already old...my elder sis is going to be married and thus live in Sabah liao. She'll be other's wife and daughter liao. If i go to KL to work, is tat means they r going to loss another daughter again?? Hmm...i duno....i dun wanna stay here to suffer bcoz of my weird interaction wi dad...Well, neither do i dun wanna loss them bcoz of my work (if i work in KL la).
哦....真的好讨厌噢!!! Haha...jz like wat my sis face now, 为了不想让双方都失望...不想两头都不到岸...结果发现那根本是天方夜谈...到最后不但累了自己, 更是赔了夫人又折兵...两边都讨好不到还搞到自己被人怨...被人误解...真是太累又伤人... 心太软, 真的很累啊!
Ppl likes to have alternative, yet in fact, we hate to make the choice!!! We all wanna be perfect, but we too clearly know tat there is not perfection!!! I still remember wat my sis said before, "if possible, u can cut down the alternative for ppl to choose, coz that is very suffer for them to give up something that they like it almost equally!" Undeniable, sometimes i really found tat my sis is very the 赞啦....常不自觉的要夸她两句...总以为她好像年纪小小...入世未深. 但她所看到的, 体验的, 了解的..都比我这姐多.嘻嘻, 有时还觉得蛮惭愧的嘞 :D
Well, all i can do right now is to let go to god's hand, pray to him for giving me the road, shutting down all the doors among the way tat i'm going to go :) He will prepare the way for me, dun worry too much, jz be prepared :) Things will be fine soon :D
Dont let the stress get u
tis noon, as usual nothing to do then i browse thru the net and founf tis article "Don't Let Stress Get You" by gabrielle reece. Hmmm...i found tat is quite nice..and i posted here to hope to share wi u la my dear sis
Don't let the stress get you. Do it for the dog.
Do you ever feel like you're living right on the emotional edge? For the most part, I think I'm a fairly calm person. But since my younger daughter turned 3, I feel like I've been just short of "snap" for the past 4 months. Patience? Bite me. I've been walking around with a tightness in my chest, and I'm ready to kick the dog. The monotony of life can get a hold of you and control you. I exercise regularly and eat really healthy. But sometimes that doesn't feel like enough to help cope with that edginess. I even catch myself looking to place blame on my husband or something else external in my life.
Is this human? I believe so. However, I don't think it's the way it's designed or has to be. Isn't it really about looking within if we're feeling unhappy or stressed? Now, I'm not saying there we don't have to deal with stressful stuff, but how we react to it or allow it to affect us is our responsibility. Are there little things we can do to try and improve the affects of stress, monotony, and the human condition? Absolutely.
1. Own the feeling and blame no one. If you feel a certain way, express it. Don't indulge but recognize how you're feeling. Next, do not blame anyone or thing. Own the entire situation.
2. Get involved. If you don't like the way things are, get involved and be a part of the change and solution.
3. Move. No, not your address, your butt. Just get out several times a week and sweat and feel your heart pump. That heart beating will remind you that you're alive. Realizing that you are with the living on a regular basis is a gift. Appreciating life and not just "living it one day to the next" help your perspective.
4. Change the way you see it. Sometimes it can be almost as easy as shifting your point of view about a circumstance. A screaming baby is healthy enough to cry. Sitting in traffic means not being in an accident. Can you find the good and not dwell on the bad or difficult?
5. Eat healthy. Food affects your brain, body, and mood. Try to find a way to not go up and down with sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. People, listen to me -- food does impact us.
6. Make time for fun. Dance, laugh, hang with friends, travel, go on an adventure, snuggle with family, take a bath, hike, go for a bike ride, read a great book, enjoy a beautiful meal. Just do stuff whenever you can that is fun. It's not always about work, school lunches, and folding the laundry. Yes, those things have to get done, but can you squeeze in some fun?
7. Connect with your spiritual side. (I'm going out on a limb here -- people have strong opinions about this topic). God, Buddha, nature -- whatever god is for you. Why? This is the essence of life. Plus I often feel like if I'm accountable for my spiritual life, I will continue to keep trying. Trying to do the right thing. Trying to see the positive and the blessings. To have a guide.
8. Laugh when you think it sucks. You know -- when you're having "one of those days," and it's one nutty thing or person after the next. Learn to laugh.
9. Stretch and breathe. Most of us don't take 10 deep belly breaths a day. We walk around shallow chest breathing all day long. Deep breaths help your body process stress. When you're driving in your car, make an effort to take nice deep breaths. Next thing is stretch out your body. We sit in chairs and cars all day long, and we need to stretch out our muscles and joints. It can feel so good. Just do it 5-15 minutes a day on the floor in front of the TV.
10. Make sure you're getting enough rest. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture for a reason. Lack of sleep will make you cuckoo.
11. Don't be a victim.
12. This is yours to fill out.
So here's to the wonderful and challenging journey called life. We will never be perfect, but we can always strive to do better. I don't want to be a crazy lady who my children roll their eyes at and my dogs run from.
Don't let the stress get you. Do it for the dog.
Do you ever feel like you're living right on the emotional edge? For the most part, I think I'm a fairly calm person. But since my younger daughter turned 3, I feel like I've been just short of "snap" for the past 4 months. Patience? Bite me. I've been walking around with a tightness in my chest, and I'm ready to kick the dog. The monotony of life can get a hold of you and control you. I exercise regularly and eat really healthy. But sometimes that doesn't feel like enough to help cope with that edginess. I even catch myself looking to place blame on my husband or something else external in my life.
Is this human? I believe so. However, I don't think it's the way it's designed or has to be. Isn't it really about looking within if we're feeling unhappy or stressed? Now, I'm not saying there we don't have to deal with stressful stuff, but how we react to it or allow it to affect us is our responsibility. Are there little things we can do to try and improve the affects of stress, monotony, and the human condition? Absolutely.
1. Own the feeling and blame no one. If you feel a certain way, express it. Don't indulge but recognize how you're feeling. Next, do not blame anyone or thing. Own the entire situation.
2. Get involved. If you don't like the way things are, get involved and be a part of the change and solution.
3. Move. No, not your address, your butt. Just get out several times a week and sweat and feel your heart pump. That heart beating will remind you that you're alive. Realizing that you are with the living on a regular basis is a gift. Appreciating life and not just "living it one day to the next" help your perspective.
4. Change the way you see it. Sometimes it can be almost as easy as shifting your point of view about a circumstance. A screaming baby is healthy enough to cry. Sitting in traffic means not being in an accident. Can you find the good and not dwell on the bad or difficult?
5. Eat healthy. Food affects your brain, body, and mood. Try to find a way to not go up and down with sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. People, listen to me -- food does impact us.
6. Make time for fun. Dance, laugh, hang with friends, travel, go on an adventure, snuggle with family, take a bath, hike, go for a bike ride, read a great book, enjoy a beautiful meal. Just do stuff whenever you can that is fun. It's not always about work, school lunches, and folding the laundry. Yes, those things have to get done, but can you squeeze in some fun?
7. Connect with your spiritual side. (I'm going out on a limb here -- people have strong opinions about this topic). God, Buddha, nature -- whatever god is for you. Why? This is the essence of life. Plus I often feel like if I'm accountable for my spiritual life, I will continue to keep trying. Trying to do the right thing. Trying to see the positive and the blessings. To have a guide.
8. Laugh when you think it sucks. You know -- when you're having "one of those days," and it's one nutty thing or person after the next. Learn to laugh.
9. Stretch and breathe. Most of us don't take 10 deep belly breaths a day. We walk around shallow chest breathing all day long. Deep breaths help your body process stress. When you're driving in your car, make an effort to take nice deep breaths. Next thing is stretch out your body. We sit in chairs and cars all day long, and we need to stretch out our muscles and joints. It can feel so good. Just do it 5-15 minutes a day on the floor in front of the TV.
10. Make sure you're getting enough rest. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture for a reason. Lack of sleep will make you cuckoo.
11. Don't be a victim.
12. This is yours to fill out.
So here's to the wonderful and challenging journey called life. We will never be perfect, but we can always strive to do better. I don't want to be a crazy lady who my children roll their eyes at and my dogs run from.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Jz msn wi teng, thru the conversation, finally, i found the reason y i dun like or even dun wanna to work in spore liao!!!! ohh my....i finally realized that is bcoz i dun wanna to stay at home!!! I like to live by my our. This is wat we so called "freedom" or "I need personal space" gua. Sad to admit, yet honestly, this is the truth!! 经过他这么一说, 我顿时恍然觉醒!!!发现了我的掠根性...
在加拿大留学的这两年半里, 我学会了习惯...习惯了自由...习惯了不被束缚...习惯了当影子...习惯了没有开口说出的关心...习惯了被忽视...习惯了默默付出...习惯了独立...习惯了太多太多...现在的我, 刹时间..适应的好辛苦, 好辛苦...常觉得自己好不孝!!! 爸爸的迟来的关爱, 让我觉得透不过气.
其实都是自己让我自己陷入tat stressful situation! As parents, they definitely will want us to stay at home due to the safety reason. So, whenever me and my sis feel like wanna go out, he'll either say "dun go la, late liao" or "i fetch u guys". Neither of the answer is wat we want!! Hence, due to dun let him feel upset for we didnt be his "good" daughters, then we choose not to argue with him and give up our plan!!!有时真的觉得自己好讨厌, 好没坚持喔!!! 没办法, 心太软了, 成不了大器 :l
Mayb is bcoz i know my weakness, so tat is the reason y i cant persuade myself to work in spore. I know i'll never say "No" to him or do anything tat he doesnt like it, so the only way to make myself feel better is stay far away fr my house...Sound so selfish yet no deal!!! I cant be his idea "good and obey" daughter as he wish!!! No matter what i did, where i go, who my frens are...he forever got comment!!! I'm too tired of it....no matter how hard i try to b ur good daughter, u'll never be satisfied. Everytime see ur disappointed face...i feel bad...i feel guilty...i feel frustrated!!! So ended up, he doesnt feel happy yet me too cant enjoy my life. So, since like tat, i learn to be 眼不见为净, if i didnt see his disppointed face, then i wont feel bad of myself. Haha..sounds silly stupid, but til right now, tat is the better way for me to handle it.
因为我不想过着为了讨好你而我又必须做着一些我事与愿违的事, 所以我选择逃离. 我的生活不是为了你而活, 我的开心快乐不想被你控制, 我长大了,需要自己去尝试不同的生活味道....感谢你因害怕我跌到而不愿放开手的捉着我...但我已不再是那24年前刚呱呱落地,无力的婴儿了...我知道你长因觉得遗憾for cant be wi us while we were young...yet u got to realize...wat passed already passed. We got to look forward to make the happy future yet not to use the way how u treat a baby...it doesnt make sense for us!!!
Hopefully i wont use tis avoidence behaviour for too long, i still got to realise the problem will still be there even though i could work far away!!! Luv u guys so much really, sorry for i do not know on how to express my luv to u guys. Well, i'm learning to do so...hard yet challenging, but i know i'll make it on someday :D
在加拿大留学的这两年半里, 我学会了习惯...习惯了自由...习惯了不被束缚...习惯了当影子...习惯了没有开口说出的关心...习惯了被忽视...习惯了默默付出...习惯了独立...习惯了太多太多...现在的我, 刹时间..适应的好辛苦, 好辛苦...常觉得自己好不孝!!! 爸爸的迟来的关爱, 让我觉得透不过气.
其实都是自己让我自己陷入tat stressful situation! As parents, they definitely will want us to stay at home due to the safety reason. So, whenever me and my sis feel like wanna go out, he'll either say "dun go la, late liao" or "i fetch u guys". Neither of the answer is wat we want!! Hence, due to dun let him feel upset for we didnt be his "good" daughters, then we choose not to argue with him and give up our plan!!!有时真的觉得自己好讨厌, 好没坚持喔!!! 没办法, 心太软了, 成不了大器 :l
Mayb is bcoz i know my weakness, so tat is the reason y i cant persuade myself to work in spore. I know i'll never say "No" to him or do anything tat he doesnt like it, so the only way to make myself feel better is stay far away fr my house...Sound so selfish yet no deal!!! I cant be his idea "good and obey" daughter as he wish!!! No matter what i did, where i go, who my frens are...he forever got comment!!! I'm too tired of it....no matter how hard i try to b ur good daughter, u'll never be satisfied. Everytime see ur disappointed face...i feel bad...i feel guilty...i feel frustrated!!! So ended up, he doesnt feel happy yet me too cant enjoy my life. So, since like tat, i learn to be 眼不见为净, if i didnt see his disppointed face, then i wont feel bad of myself. Haha..sounds silly stupid, but til right now, tat is the better way for me to handle it.
因为我不想过着为了讨好你而我又必须做着一些我事与愿违的事, 所以我选择逃离. 我的生活不是为了你而活, 我的开心快乐不想被你控制, 我长大了,需要自己去尝试不同的生活味道....感谢你因害怕我跌到而不愿放开手的捉着我...但我已不再是那24年前刚呱呱落地,无力的婴儿了...我知道你长因觉得遗憾for cant be wi us while we were young...yet u got to realize...wat passed already passed. We got to look forward to make the happy future yet not to use the way how u treat a baby...it doesnt make sense for us!!!
Hopefully i wont use tis avoidence behaviour for too long, i still got to realise the problem will still be there even though i could work far away!!! Luv u guys so much really, sorry for i do not know on how to express my luv to u guys. Well, i'm learning to do so...hard yet challenging, but i know i'll make it on someday :D
Thursday, March 08, 2007
hehe...jz tasted my lemon cheese cake, hohoho....damn nice oh :O hehe...coz the day before, i baked the carrot cake for my family to eat. Who knows..... the cake was failed totally!!!! Huh....no eye to eye....damn sweet sia.....tak pernah fail like this before!!! Even when i 1st tried baked it for Lisa as her birthday cake, oso tak pernah 失策 like tat before!!! This was my 1st time to bake a cake without proper measurement, jz all by agak!!!! Walau eh, my "sense" really suck!!! :x
hehe, so last nite, as i promised to my sis tat i will make her the cheese cake. so i went to Giant again to buy the cheese. Hehe...then i started to make my cheese cake after the dinner. 战战兢兢地, 又兴奋莫名, then i started to make the cheese cake lo!! hehe...好生疏哦!曾几何时, 我的"功夫"是多么的利落...哈哈..现在却变得鸡手鸭脚...好慢噢!!
Haha..dear guess wat...i used two hours to finish the cheese cake nei!!! haha...想当初...i did it not more than half an hour!!! hahaha...my skill really karat lo :(
Hehe..luckily, my sis was quite like it!!! Phew~~ if not, i really feel bad for cant make her the delicious cheese cake lo :D When i asked her wheathe the cake is ok or not, she said "is ok la" Hmmm....sound like not tat tasty yet a bit scare to hurt my feeling lo. Well, still feel so happy for she quite support for it...by keep eating it lo :)
hehe, so last nite, as i promised to my sis tat i will make her the cheese cake. so i went to Giant again to buy the cheese. Hehe...then i started to make my cheese cake after the dinner. 战战兢兢地, 又兴奋莫名, then i started to make the cheese cake lo!! hehe...好生疏哦!曾几何时, 我的"功夫"是多么的利落...哈哈..现在却变得鸡手鸭脚...好慢噢!!
Haha..dear guess wat...i used two hours to finish the cheese cake nei!!! haha...想当初...i did it not more than half an hour!!! hahaha...my skill really karat lo :(
Hehe..luckily, my sis was quite like it!!! Phew~~ if not, i really feel bad for cant make her the delicious cheese cake lo :D When i asked her wheathe the cake is ok or not, she said "is ok la" Hmmm....sound like not tat tasty yet a bit scare to hurt my feeling lo. Well, still feel so happy for she quite support for it...by keep eating it lo :)
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
A nite wi ten thousand "HOW COME"
忙了一个上午, 终于把每次想要等到回家时想要做的事给做完了!!! 衣收了, 书该丟的, 也丟了, 要收拾整齐干净的, 也都归位了...hmm...就连杂七杂八的首饰, 我也都于今天上午弄好了....真的....嗯...好像没什么事可做了!!!
我想这算是我呆在家里最久的一次了吧 :) 久的连我都快要不记得有多久了...只觉得好像好久没见到我的tesco frens liao!!! Really miss them so much...they r so sweet...especially is "intimate" Reise, she always keep me in touch and concern abt my job search's progress :) She really is a sweety, calls me jz to listen from me, feel damn touch.
hehe...last nite chated wi my sis again!! Both of us already exhausted, yet when we went to bed, haha...we chat again til duno wat time :D I told her, i would like to work in KL, coz duno y, i still prefer to work in KL!!!Even though uses earning money as my motivation, i still cant go for it!!! Hmm..mayb is jz like what Ewa had said, i already get used with living style in KL liao gua...duno la...
I'm wondering y i will tell my sis abt the idea tat i would like to work in KL. After a period of self evaluation i found tat the main reason was simply bcoz i want to get support fr ppl. How come I always hesitate abt the thing i wanted to do!How come i always need other's encouragement for me to hang on. How come I'm so useless and lousy! How come i always need ppl to do so for me to moving on! So many "how come" to answer.... Do i really ever answer those "how come's" question in my life!!! How come i always let it go...how come i allow for so many "how come" to take over in my life? How come...and how come....suddenly so many "how come" pop out of my mind...
During our conversation, we talked a lot...haha..then i realized "Woo~~ 我妹长大咯" Tis gal ah, really....i'm really so 服 to her or even can be said is envy her!!! Both of my elder and younger sis is Leo, the characteristic of them is 敢作敢为, 敢爱敢狠!!! Ohh.. how i wish i could be like them, 好潇洒哦 :D Hmm...both of my sis are such brave and strong gal, how come they will have me as a 胆小, 没用又懦弱的妹和二姐哦?? Bcoz of my weakness, i allowed for so many regrets and unanswered questions take over in my life...Haha..we talked and shared a lot abt each other's "love story".
Haha, in fact we found tat we have too many common things in our love story liao...haha..we like a person who dun really ever 真正的向我们表白过, yet going thru many things tat seem like couple. Haha, duno is whether we are too 白目 or our 暗恋的对象 is too frendly and thus we got the illusion and misunderstanding feeling!!!
我们都好像一直在碰到 "喜欢的人不喜欢我" 的问题!!嘻嘻...同时也觉得自己好坏蛋噢, 总是和对我们有好感的人抱着"只是好朋友" 的态度!!总不时的提醒他说"我现在只想和你做朋友,将来的事我现在不想想太多." 也没有直接说明他是否有机会, 语带保留.可能自己也非常清楚地明白感情是可以培养的, 怕自己在不知不觉中被他所做的一些事而感动... 又或着是...其实自己总希望在被爱的那个人拒绝和失落时, 有个人在那儿为你等待吧...Wuu...也许人就是自私无耻的吧!!!
可是话说会来, 也不是我们故意的嘛...可能因为他不是我们心中占有一席之地的那一位吧, 所以总是不自觉地拿他和心中那一个来做比较...哎...须知得不到的永远是最好的...哈....所以还是认命吧!!!真的只是想和他做朋友, 因为在还没有得到一个确切的答案是, 心中也都容不下其他人了嘛...也许这就是我们永远都得不到我们爱的那个人的原因吧...都把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里, 不给别人机会, 这么知道他原来才是我们的真爱呢??原来他才是最适合我们呢? 嘻...一句话啦, 就是死脑筋嘛 :O 哈哈...这也解释了我们为什么会做老姑婆的原因吧 :O Haha...ya ya ya...mayb is we think too much liao lo :) 好男人永远是别人的, 嘻嘻...我们还没有修到这么好的福气啦 :D
Well, still got to praise u for a while la my dear sis, u really 太棒了!!! 虽然你要的答案很伤人....但至少你知道你不需要在浪费青春去等待那个不爱你的人了. Wish u get ur true love soon :) open urself, u r the best ;p (姐姐与你共勉之)
我想这算是我呆在家里最久的一次了吧 :) 久的连我都快要不记得有多久了...只觉得好像好久没见到我的tesco frens liao!!! Really miss them so much...they r so sweet...especially is "intimate" Reise, she always keep me in touch and concern abt my job search's progress :) She really is a sweety, calls me jz to listen from me, feel damn touch.
hehe...last nite chated wi my sis again!! Both of us already exhausted, yet when we went to bed, haha...we chat again til duno wat time :D I told her, i would like to work in KL, coz duno y, i still prefer to work in KL!!!Even though uses earning money as my motivation, i still cant go for it!!! Hmm..mayb is jz like what Ewa had said, i already get used with living style in KL liao gua...duno la...
I'm wondering y i will tell my sis abt the idea tat i would like to work in KL. After a period of self evaluation i found tat the main reason was simply bcoz i want to get support fr ppl. How come I always hesitate abt the thing i wanted to do!How come i always need other's encouragement for me to hang on. How come I'm so useless and lousy! How come i always need ppl to do so for me to moving on! So many "how come" to answer.... Do i really ever answer those "how come's" question in my life!!! How come i always let it go...how come i allow for so many "how come" to take over in my life? How come...and how come....suddenly so many "how come" pop out of my mind...
During our conversation, we talked a lot...haha..then i realized "Woo~~ 我妹长大咯" Tis gal ah, really....i'm really so 服 to her or even can be said is envy her!!! Both of my elder and younger sis is Leo, the characteristic of them is 敢作敢为, 敢爱敢狠!!! Ohh.. how i wish i could be like them, 好潇洒哦 :D Hmm...both of my sis are such brave and strong gal, how come they will have me as a 胆小, 没用又懦弱的妹和二姐哦?? Bcoz of my weakness, i allowed for so many regrets and unanswered questions take over in my life...Haha..we talked and shared a lot abt each other's "love story".
Haha, in fact we found tat we have too many common things in our love story liao...haha..we like a person who dun really ever 真正的向我们表白过, yet going thru many things tat seem like couple. Haha, duno is whether we are too 白目 or our 暗恋的对象 is too frendly and thus we got the illusion and misunderstanding feeling!!!
我们都好像一直在碰到 "喜欢的人不喜欢我" 的问题!!嘻嘻...同时也觉得自己好坏蛋噢, 总是和对我们有好感的人抱着"只是好朋友" 的态度!!总不时的提醒他说"我现在只想和你做朋友,将来的事我现在不想想太多." 也没有直接说明他是否有机会, 语带保留.可能自己也非常清楚地明白感情是可以培养的, 怕自己在不知不觉中被他所做的一些事而感动... 又或着是...其实自己总希望在被爱的那个人拒绝和失落时, 有个人在那儿为你等待吧...Wuu...也许人就是自私无耻的吧!!!
可是话说会来, 也不是我们故意的嘛...可能因为他不是我们心中占有一席之地的那一位吧, 所以总是不自觉地拿他和心中那一个来做比较...哎...须知得不到的永远是最好的...哈....所以还是认命吧!!!真的只是想和他做朋友, 因为在还没有得到一个确切的答案是, 心中也都容不下其他人了嘛...也许这就是我们永远都得不到我们爱的那个人的原因吧...都把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里, 不给别人机会, 这么知道他原来才是我们的真爱呢??原来他才是最适合我们呢? 嘻...一句话啦, 就是死脑筋嘛 :O 哈哈...这也解释了我们为什么会做老姑婆的原因吧 :O Haha...ya ya ya...mayb is we think too much liao lo :) 好男人永远是别人的, 嘻嘻...我们还没有修到这么好的福气啦 :D
Well, still got to praise u for a while la my dear sis, u really 太棒了!!! 虽然你要的答案很伤人....但至少你知道你不需要在浪费青春去等待那个不爱你的人了. Wish u get ur true love soon :) open urself, u r the best ;p (姐姐与你共勉之)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Wuu~~印尼苏门答腊在今天早上发生了大地震!!!hehe... actaully i jz heard from the radio's news. Hmm...i think is quite serious gua, coz the shaking effect can be feel by spore and even jb area.
Wuu~~ 曾几何时, malaysia 一向来是个外国人羡慕不以, coz we are free from those natural diaster and sunshine throughout the year. But right now, all changed!!! 从较早前的Flood, 到刚才的地震effect, hmm...我想世界上应该也很难再找到一个所谓diaster free country liao gua!!!这时, 不禁想起了世界末日的可怕... Do we get prepared yet??
Hopefully, the earthquake at Sumatra will be fine soon :) May god bless and be with those who lost their family members and frens in this earthquake :) May peace be with them :)
Wuu~~ 曾几何时, malaysia 一向来是个外国人羡慕不以, coz we are free from those natural diaster and sunshine throughout the year. But right now, all changed!!! 从较早前的Flood, 到刚才的地震effect, hmm...我想世界上应该也很难再找到一个所谓diaster free country liao gua!!!这时, 不禁想起了世界末日的可怕... Do we get prepared yet??
Hopefully, the earthquake at Sumatra will be fine soon :) May god bless and be with those who lost their family members and frens in this earthquake :) May peace be with them :)

嘻嘻...看到了一些旧email, 也回想起了种种回忆!!!Woo~~time really flies, yesterdeay phone chatting with you, baru realise u wanna come back liao...huu...so fast....hehe..really cant wait to c u oh, miss u very much oh dear :)
Monday, March 05, 2007
元宵 07 in mamak store
Mac 4th, hehe..the last day of the CNY, only one word can describe, 平淡却又温馨 :)
We went to church in the early morning, hmm around 830am gua, so we got to wake up on 740am. Argh...this is a very very unwilling thing for both of my sis and I to do so!!!! We alwaz struggle on the bed for about 10 min after the alarm clock ring on 730!!! Bcoz we always chat til late of the the midnite, so...u know la, when wake up the time, we simply like zombie :D Well, there got no time for us to 摸摸唆唆, coz u know la, my papa is a 催命鬼! So, all we got to do after we woke up is to rush, rush, rush....rush like a headless fly :D
After the church service, we went to have our lunch. Haha..苦瓜粿條汤.....超赞的吶!!!Haha...after ate it, really feel very 爽哦 :O. Haha, jz like wat i said la, my papa is a 催命鬼, 连吃个粿條汤也要 rush rush rush!! Well, it doesnt affect our mood to enjoy the delicious 苦瓜粿條汤, hehe, we still take our own sweet time to eat it. Haha, as a result, he waited us in the car for around 10 mins!!! Woo~~ luckily he was oso in the good mood, haha, if not, sure we all will kena 唸 by him.
11opm, we finished our lunch and started ur journey to drive my sis for tuition which start on 2pm. Well, my papa said bcoz he got something urgent to do near my sis's tuition's area, so he has to reach there by 130. Who knows on the moment i step in car, damn it...feel like wanna poo pula!!! Haih...in fact i tot i could tahan it until i reach home 1, but who knows my papa said he will terus drive my sis to tuition centre there and finish his thing 1st baru back home!!! Walau eh...while in the car i already tak boleh tahan liao lo, yet how could i tahan it when back to home oh!!!So no deal lo, i asked my papa to stop me at the petrol station there for me to relieve lo!!! He stopped my mom and i at the petrol station there, haha...then i ran as quick as possible to release! Phew~~ 大便这挡事对我而言绝对是大过天的, 嘻嘻..所以当我说要大便时, 家人都会想方设发来帮我解决"我的人生大事"!!!真是太感动了!!!因为那时, 爸爸正在赶时间, 还要特地绕道进油站让我完成 "人生大事" ^^
解决了"正经事", 人也马上精神起来了!!!哈哈, 又开始活蹦乱跳地开始和妈妈去油站附近的水果摊去选水果咯 :D 选来选去的, 买了几粒青苹果, 红苹果, 木瓜和番石榴. hehe...不难发现, 全都是帮助排变的水果吧!!!!是的,是的...帮我解决"人生大事"也成了我家人的首号大事 :P
hehe...因为过于投入地选水果了,结果连爸爸都到回来载我们了, 我们竟然还没有买好!!!快乐不知时光过哦 :D 哈哈, 上了车妈妈还和爸爸分享她的买水果经嘞...水果那里买比较便宜啦, 比较新鲜啦...有她说的嘞...叽哩呱啦...有完没了的 :D
回到家了, 煲了一轮电话粥以后, 看了两集恶魔在身边...喔...好怀念噢dear, tat series we watched it together in 701....haha, during that time we still chased it until half die!!! hmm... bcoz it was dvd, so it contains 7 series in each cd, but my grandmom kept scolding la, beating the dog, and thus the dog barking were quite annoying, so, i got no mood to keep watching liao!!!!
Then, i blogging lo..i posted the "放手" article. Hehe..when i finished blogging, my papa oso fetched my sis back from her tuition lo. haha..my sweety papa ta pau some fry noodle la, cha kuih, and mi jian kuih for us to eat :D hoho...545pm...our stomach oso "闹革命"on the time!!! it was jz a light dinner for us, coz we plan to have our dinner at outside....haha..to have the kambing soup ;p
After the light dinner, we went to Giant to shop on 630pm. Haha...we really crazy shopping, we shopped til 830!!! really bought a lot....Rm 200 plus plus...haha..my mom said even more than 她办年货时所买的:D hehe...i bought the ingredients for doing cheese cake and carrot cake, so cost some of the part in the total of her Rm2oo plus plus's bil lo. coz my sis suddenly said "姐....好想念你做的cheese cake oh!!". In fact, she wanna buy the frozen cheese cake...hmm...expensive yet doesnt look nice, so i asked her not to buy lo!!! 哦也好想能亲手做给她吃, 但又偏偏碍于我的薪水还没出, 所以不能买材料来做咯. 哈...但我这个死妹竟然说 "姐...没关系啦, 我先帮你过数, 等你出了薪水再还我啦, 利息不会算你太高的啦" haha... duno since when, two of us suddenly can be so close and 38 liao :). 经不起我妹的一副可怜惜惜的哀求的说要吃cheese cake, then 我就向这连利息都不知怎么算的高利贷姐妹借了钱, 买做cheese cake的材料来做给她这个没良心的大耳窿吃!!!明明就她自己很想吃的嘛, 竟然还搞得我要出钱买材料, 然后再做给她吃!!!哈..奇怪的是...我也答应了:D Well, 随便啦, 妹只有一个, 不疼她疼谁哦!! 她也蛮幸福的嘛, 不知从哪来一个怎么白痴笨蛋又好哄的姐姐!!现在回过神了才觉得好笑 :O
After the grocery, we went to a mamak store to have our dinner. Hmm..actually none of us feel that hungry la, but since earlier jz now we all 起轰说wanna to have kambing soup ma. Hence, we jz go to have it lo :D Waa.. in that mamak store, we ordered liao 2 kambing soup(mom and sis), 1 tulang soup(papa), 1 campur soup (this is mine, arghh..really feel so geli..coz they really mix wi all the weird weird stuff!!! Well, at the end, my mama exchanged her soup to mine, i really blessed to have two of them as my parents, even though i always said my papa like to nag and control us, yet he do so is bcoz he loves us), nasi ayam(grandmom), nasi lemak (share) and ikan bakar(papa ordered it, bcoz i said i wanna to eat!)!!! Among those dish, only found that the ikan bakar was ok!!! Those soup were too oily liao :x....feel like drinking the salty oil!!! No tradition taste of the kambing soup..hmm.. a bit disappointed lo :l Well, guess wat, with all those foods, it costed Rm52!!!! Walau eh, really expensive sia..but never mind la, since everyone of us was so happy during that nite :D Mama said worth it oso lo, haha...we really 花钱买气氛 :)
915pm, we finished our kambing soup reunion dinner, we decided to go to Danga Bay to shop for my sis's shoe!!! Hmm..actually we all were tired after the dinner liao, but we all think is better to have some walk after the heavy oily meal, so, we all decided to 往Danga Bay出发:D to burn some calories :)
Haha..i found tat women really 天生的爱买东西, if u are with the right person to do so....believe me, u really will shop until broke!!! This happened on us too!!! Haha...but we lagi teruk, we borrowed the money from mama to shop!!!!Haha...dear, 我没药救了, 没钱去shopping, 还搞到借钱shopping!!! Haha..我的战励品有:可爱地橙色monkey hair band and key chain :) hehe...still got a lot wanna buy....but money still the matter lo, so i put it back lo :l haha...remind me the time when we doing grocery in Super Sam....haha...take it...think for a while....struggle for a while....then...put it back :D
haha...even though it was a quite tired day, I do feel 好幸福窝心哦 :)
We went to church in the early morning, hmm around 830am gua, so we got to wake up on 740am. Argh...this is a very very unwilling thing for both of my sis and I to do so!!!! We alwaz struggle on the bed for about 10 min after the alarm clock ring on 730!!! Bcoz we always chat til late of the the midnite, so...u know la, when wake up the time, we simply like zombie :D Well, there got no time for us to 摸摸唆唆, coz u know la, my papa is a 催命鬼! So, all we got to do after we woke up is to rush, rush, rush....rush like a headless fly :D
After the church service, we went to have our lunch. Haha..苦瓜粿條汤.....超赞的吶!!!Haha...after ate it, really feel very 爽哦 :O. Haha, jz like wat i said la, my papa is a 催命鬼, 连吃个粿條汤也要 rush rush rush!! Well, it doesnt affect our mood to enjoy the delicious 苦瓜粿條汤, hehe, we still take our own sweet time to eat it. Haha, as a result, he waited us in the car for around 10 mins!!! Woo~~ luckily he was oso in the good mood, haha, if not, sure we all will kena 唸 by him.
11opm, we finished our lunch and started ur journey to drive my sis for tuition which start on 2pm. Well, my papa said bcoz he got something urgent to do near my sis's tuition's area, so he has to reach there by 130. Who knows on the moment i step in car, damn it...feel like wanna poo pula!!! Haih...in fact i tot i could tahan it until i reach home 1, but who knows my papa said he will terus drive my sis to tuition centre there and finish his thing 1st baru back home!!! Walau eh...while in the car i already tak boleh tahan liao lo, yet how could i tahan it when back to home oh!!!So no deal lo, i asked my papa to stop me at the petrol station there for me to relieve lo!!! He stopped my mom and i at the petrol station there, haha...then i ran as quick as possible to release! Phew~~ 大便这挡事对我而言绝对是大过天的, 嘻嘻..所以当我说要大便时, 家人都会想方设发来帮我解决"我的人生大事"!!!真是太感动了!!!因为那时, 爸爸正在赶时间, 还要特地绕道进油站让我完成 "人生大事" ^^
解决了"正经事", 人也马上精神起来了!!!哈哈, 又开始活蹦乱跳地开始和妈妈去油站附近的水果摊去选水果咯 :D 选来选去的, 买了几粒青苹果, 红苹果, 木瓜和番石榴. hehe...不难发现, 全都是帮助排变的水果吧!!!!是的,是的...帮我解决"人生大事"也成了我家人的首号大事 :P
hehe...因为过于投入地选水果了,结果连爸爸都到回来载我们了, 我们竟然还没有买好!!!快乐不知时光过哦 :D 哈哈, 上了车妈妈还和爸爸分享她的买水果经嘞...水果那里买比较便宜啦, 比较新鲜啦...有她说的嘞...叽哩呱啦...有完没了的 :D
回到家了, 煲了一轮电话粥以后, 看了两集恶魔在身边...喔...好怀念噢dear, tat series we watched it together in 701....haha, during that time we still chased it until half die!!! hmm... bcoz it was dvd, so it contains 7 series in each cd, but my grandmom kept scolding la, beating the dog, and thus the dog barking were quite annoying, so, i got no mood to keep watching liao!!!!
Then, i blogging lo..i posted the "放手" article. Hehe..when i finished blogging, my papa oso fetched my sis back from her tuition lo. haha..my sweety papa ta pau some fry noodle la, cha kuih, and mi jian kuih for us to eat :D hoho...545pm...our stomach oso "闹革命"on the time!!! it was jz a light dinner for us, coz we plan to have our dinner at outside....haha..to have the kambing soup ;p
After the light dinner, we went to Giant to shop on 630pm. Haha...we really crazy shopping, we shopped til 830!!! really bought a lot....Rm 200 plus plus...haha..my mom said even more than 她办年货时所买的:D hehe...i bought the ingredients for doing cheese cake and carrot cake, so cost some of the part in the total of her Rm2oo plus plus's bil lo. coz my sis suddenly said "姐....好想念你做的cheese cake oh!!". In fact, she wanna buy the frozen cheese cake...hmm...expensive yet doesnt look nice, so i asked her not to buy lo!!! 哦也好想能亲手做给她吃, 但又偏偏碍于我的薪水还没出, 所以不能买材料来做咯. 哈...但我这个死妹竟然说 "姐...没关系啦, 我先帮你过数, 等你出了薪水再还我啦, 利息不会算你太高的啦" haha... duno since when, two of us suddenly can be so close and 38 liao :). 经不起我妹的一副可怜惜惜的哀求的说要吃cheese cake, then 我就向这连利息都不知怎么算的高利贷姐妹借了钱, 买做cheese cake的材料来做给她这个没良心的大耳窿吃!!!明明就她自己很想吃的嘛, 竟然还搞得我要出钱买材料, 然后再做给她吃!!!哈..奇怪的是...我也答应了:D Well, 随便啦, 妹只有一个, 不疼她疼谁哦!! 她也蛮幸福的嘛, 不知从哪来一个怎么白痴笨蛋又好哄的姐姐!!现在回过神了才觉得好笑 :O
After the grocery, we went to a mamak store to have our dinner. Hmm..actually none of us feel that hungry la, but since earlier jz now we all 起轰说wanna to have kambing soup ma. Hence, we jz go to have it lo :D Waa.. in that mamak store, we ordered liao 2 kambing soup(mom and sis), 1 tulang soup(papa), 1 campur soup (this is mine, arghh..really feel so geli..coz they really mix wi all the weird weird stuff!!! Well, at the end, my mama exchanged her soup to mine, i really blessed to have two of them as my parents, even though i always said my papa like to nag and control us, yet he do so is bcoz he loves us), nasi ayam(grandmom), nasi lemak (share) and ikan bakar(papa ordered it, bcoz i said i wanna to eat!)!!! Among those dish, only found that the ikan bakar was ok!!! Those soup were too oily liao :x....feel like drinking the salty oil!!! No tradition taste of the kambing soup..hmm.. a bit disappointed lo :l Well, guess wat, with all those foods, it costed Rm52!!!! Walau eh, really expensive sia..but never mind la, since everyone of us was so happy during that nite :D Mama said worth it oso lo, haha...we really 花钱买气氛 :)
915pm, we finished our kambing soup reunion dinner, we decided to go to Danga Bay to shop for my sis's shoe!!! Hmm..actually we all were tired after the dinner liao, but we all think is better to have some walk after the heavy oily meal, so, we all decided to 往Danga Bay出发:D to burn some calories :)
Haha..i found tat women really 天生的爱买东西, if u are with the right person to do so....believe me, u really will shop until broke!!! This happened on us too!!! Haha...but we lagi teruk, we borrowed the money from mama to shop!!!!Haha...dear, 我没药救了, 没钱去shopping, 还搞到借钱shopping!!! Haha..我的战励品有:可爱地橙色monkey hair band and key chain :) hehe...still got a lot wanna buy....but money still the matter lo, so i put it back lo :l haha...remind me the time when we doing grocery in Super Sam....haha...take it...think for a while....struggle for a while....then...put it back :D
haha...even though it was a quite tired day, I do feel 好幸福窝心哦 :)
Sunday, March 04, 2007
放手... 都是我们现在正在努力学习着的人生另一堂课!!! 难学, 可是学到了以后,那又将成为我们人生篇章当中另一页精彩的内容了 :)
特别献于my dear ah bee, ah zanne and ewa, haha, even though we all now are struggling in different problems at different place. Well, deep down in our heart, we too know that we'll pray to god for giving each other the bless and strength to go thru every hardship in each life :) and i know tat we all will be fine at the end as long as we didnt give up. Thus, there is always a promising future lies ahead of us. Look forward...there is always a hope :) 加油, 加油, 加油噢 :)
Everyday is a blessing day that God gives it to us to enjoy it :p So, we got to use his blessing to enjoy every thing, even though it might be the thing that we rather don't ever want to face it, but believe me, it will be a bless for us when we over it :)
放手, 不等于不關心, 只是我不能代替別人做事.
放手, 不等于从此不管, 而是明白我不该控制他人.
放手, 就是不要提供所有答案, 让别人从结果中学习.
放手, 就是承认无能为力, 因为结果如何不在于我.
放手, 就是不再试图改变或责备他人, 因我只能改变自己.
放手, 就是关心而非操心.
放手, 就是不要替别人补救, 只是表示支持.
放手, 就是不要批评, 让对方保有尊严.
放手, 就是不要操纵结果, 让别人自行决定.
放手, 就是不要过分保护, 让别人面对现实.
放手, 就是不要否定, 只是接纳.
放手, 就是不要唠叨, 斥责和争辩,而是反思已过予以改正.
放手, 就是不强求凡事照自己的意思, 而是接受现状, 珍惜每一刻.
放手, 就是不再批评或勉强别人, 而是努力成为自己理想中的人.
放手, 就是不为过去感到遗憾, 而是继续成长, 为未来而活.
放手, 就是少害怕一点, 多爱一点.
特别献于my dear ah bee, ah zanne and ewa, haha, even though we all now are struggling in different problems at different place. Well, deep down in our heart, we too know that we'll pray to god for giving each other the bless and strength to go thru every hardship in each life :) and i know tat we all will be fine at the end as long as we didnt give up. Thus, there is always a promising future lies ahead of us. Look forward...there is always a hope :) 加油, 加油, 加油噢 :)
Everyday is a blessing day that God gives it to us to enjoy it :p So, we got to use his blessing to enjoy every thing, even though it might be the thing that we rather don't ever want to face it, but believe me, it will be a bless for us when we over it :)
放手, 不等于不關心, 只是我不能代替別人做事.
放手, 不等于从此不管, 而是明白我不该控制他人.
放手, 就是不要提供所有答案, 让别人从结果中学习.
放手, 就是承认无能为力, 因为结果如何不在于我.
放手, 就是不再试图改变或责备他人, 因我只能改变自己.
放手, 就是关心而非操心.
放手, 就是不要替别人补救, 只是表示支持.
放手, 就是不要批评, 让对方保有尊严.
放手, 就是不要操纵结果, 让别人自行决定.
放手, 就是不要过分保护, 让别人面对现实.
放手, 就是不要否定, 只是接纳.
放手, 就是不要唠叨, 斥责和争辩,而是反思已过予以改正.
放手, 就是不强求凡事照自己的意思, 而是接受现状, 珍惜每一刻.
放手, 就是不再批评或勉强别人, 而是努力成为自己理想中的人.
放手, 就是不为过去感到遗憾, 而是继续成长, 为未来而活.
放手, 就是少害怕一点, 多爱一点.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
幸福的晚餐--haha...mama's curry fish head :D
hehe...yum yum...my mom's curry fish head really....FANTASTIC nei!!!! Guess wat, normally i wont eat rice during the dinner, yet this time, haha...i ate two bowl of rice!!!! haha...really....irresistable to my mom's cook :D haha...ah zanne, i know wat u going to say liao: "ah nen, 你不肥才怪!!"
haha..well, 真是觉得我太....太...太幸福了!!!able to have my mom's delicious dinner in my home sweet home during the raining evening :) Wuu...really feel very sweet nei!!! ohh...my poor dear elder sis still have to eat at outside with very expensive yet...(well, sorry to say tat la)awful meal. haha..got to admit tat...最幸福的就是我了啦...:D coz my younger sis still got to have her dinner in her working place (well, she still able to have mom's curry fish head as well la, coz my dad delivered it to her!!!haha...well..she too considered as a 幸福的工做人士了啦, coz my dad will deliver the meal during her break!!!).
Woo...well, after the super wonder delicious curry fish head, hmmm...i think tonite have to do more sit up to have more space to enjoy my mom's cooking lo :D haha..tis noon, i re-packed my lagguages since i came back fr canada!!! haha..those clothes reminded me of the those old days sweet memories.....Dear.............miss u so much oh!!!! miss everyone, everything, every moment...so much so much!!!
haha..well, 真是觉得我太....太...太幸福了!!!able to have my mom's delicious dinner in my home sweet home during the raining evening :) Wuu...really feel very sweet nei!!! ohh...my poor dear elder sis still have to eat at outside with very expensive yet...(well, sorry to say tat la)awful meal. haha..got to admit tat...最幸福的就是我了啦...:D coz my younger sis still got to have her dinner in her working place (well, she still able to have mom's curry fish head as well la, coz my dad delivered it to her!!!haha...well..she too considered as a 幸福的工做人士了啦, coz my dad will deliver the meal during her break!!!).
Woo...well, after the super wonder delicious curry fish head, hmmm...i think tonite have to do more sit up to have more space to enjoy my mom's cooking lo :D haha..tis noon, i re-packed my lagguages since i came back fr canada!!! haha..those clothes reminded me of the those old days sweet memories.....Dear.............miss u so much oh!!!! miss everyone, everything, every moment...so much so much!!!
hey dears, i found this artcle is quite nice and suitable for our right now 的心境,所以想和你们共勉之二:D
[爱] 当然是广义上的爱,当心中充满了爱,便会自然觉得世界也充满了爱.爱具备神奇的力量,会为我们带来无限的幸福感.
[妈妈] 尤其当你也做了母亲,才会真正知道,"妈妈"这个几乎所有生命最先学会发音的词,能为我们的生命倾注更多的满足.
[家庭] 美满的家庭是这个社会幸福最基本的元素.事业再成功的女人,都会发自内心地将家庭放在第一位,而我们要说:成功的内涵还需一个幸福的家庭.
[健康] 健康在,幸福在.世间万物,健康才是一切之本,这已不是道理,而是真理.
[富有] 如果能够,那么就再加上富有.因为我们已经相信了"贫贱夫妻百事哀",相信了物质确实能为我们带来更多的幸福.物质时代,为什么不富有?
[美丽] 美丽不光是美丽的通行证,很多时候,美丽还是通往幸福的快捷键.
[朋友] 好朋友能让我们觉得生活更有期待,痛苦可以分担,喜悦可以分享,前者减半,后者double.
[事业] 这项事业必须要是你喜欢的,值得并舍得倾注更多更长久热情的.
[爱好] 喜欢音乐,画画,旅行,普洱,清明家具,哪怕是最日常的园艺或烹饪,只要是你喜欢的,只要是你愿意沉浸其中,相信在那些时候,你会最真切地感到幸福.
[旅行] 旅行便是在经历另一种人生.或是感受天人合一,或是结识朋友,无论旅行是否能改变我们的人生,但幸福却肯定会如潮水般挡不住.
[独处] 一本书,一杯香茗,一支老歌,一本老相册,一次冥想,甚至只是午后阳光下的小床,收获的是宁静与温情,更携永,更美好.
[公益] 我们很早就听说了"给比拿更幸福",但只有在你真正这样做了以后,你才能真正体会到,什么是"予人玫瑰手余香".有时候我们要学会如何帮助别人,在另一些时候,我们还要学习如何接受别人的帮助.
[自由] 时间的,空间的,最重要的,还是心境的.无论我们是什么,做什么,在哪里,只要你感觉到自由,那么谁还能阻挡我们幸福的朝向?
[收藏] 并不只是价值连城的书画古董,更多的时候,一段美好的恋情,一些感动的瞬间,时时怀想,永不封存.
[创造] 我们在有所创造的时候,确实会抵达自我实现的境地,而创造无所不在,包括DIY,温馨的晚餐...也因此,幸福也将无所不在.
[感恩] 学会感恩,幸福垂手可得.
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