噢...好郁闷的一天哦 :C
嗯...本来今天应该去验血做身体检查的...嘻嘻, 但是因为身体太累了...所以就打消了原有的计划!!!
哈哈, 不需要做身体检查是蛮开心的...因为不需要被抽血嘛 :P
然后, 这次回来的重头戏是去逛pasar malam buy the watch and short pants 1!!! But who knows...all the plan failed...
最可气的是...只有我的计划是失败的....噢....为什么又是只有我的计划会失败!!!! 好郁闷噢!!!!
没得去pasar malam的郁闷指数- :( :( :( :( :( :(
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
hmm... 好怕這種身體好累,但頭腦卻又很清醒的感覺!!!因為, 這感覺太折磨人了...好痛苦喔...已經連續幾個晚上是這樣子了... :x
Haha...well, soon, i'm going back to my home sweet home again lo :D Hehe..then during that time, i can have a nice and tight sleep liao lo...hehe...hopefully i be able to la :)
hmm... 好怕這種身體好累,但頭腦卻又很清醒的感覺!!!因為, 這感覺太折磨人了...好痛苦喔...已經連續幾個晚上是這樣子了... :x
Haha...well, soon, i'm going back to my home sweet home again lo :D Hehe..then during that time, i can have a nice and tight sleep liao lo...hehe...hopefully i be able to la :)
還以為自己上了 kl will be very happy, but it seems like everything went wrong!!!
duno, confuse again!!!
At the moment i stepped out fr the bus, i been shocked!!!
Shocked by the rushing people, rushing traffic and tis rushing capital...
I was horrified...suddenly, i missing home....oh my...MISSING HOME out fr my mouth!!! I tot i was jz running away fr it...but, how come, out of sudden...i missing my home, my comp corner, my bed, my vcd, and most importantly...missing my sis so much....for i couldnt 38 chatting wi her :D hahaha.....my dear sis, i know i know, u too damn missing me very much rite, for no ppl to chatting wi u b4 we sleep :D Is kind of addicted tat we wait for each other b4 we go to bed, b4 we fall asleep,b4 another daybreak :D
Haha...jz like wat u had said liao, both of us is "懶惰胚子",扶不直的啦 :D
duno, confuse again!!!
At the moment i stepped out fr the bus, i been shocked!!!
Shocked by the rushing people, rushing traffic and tis rushing capital...
I was horrified...suddenly, i missing home....oh my...MISSING HOME out fr my mouth!!! I tot i was jz running away fr it...but, how come, out of sudden...i missing my home, my comp corner, my bed, my vcd, and most importantly...missing my sis so much....for i couldnt 38 chatting wi her :D hahaha.....my dear sis, i know i know, u too damn missing me very much rite, for no ppl to chatting wi u b4 we sleep :D Is kind of addicted tat we wait for each other b4 we go to bed, b4 we fall asleep,b4 another daybreak :D
Haha...jz like wat u had said liao, both of us is "懶惰胚子",扶不直的啦 :D
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Haha... wat a nice title!!! When hair meet the hair dresser :D Hehe...wat can be happened??? Haa...the result will be...ur hair become so "obey" in the hand of hair dresser lo :D
Jz now, my sis and i went to have a hair cut where our cousin highly recommended us to go to have a new look. Actually, only my sis wanna to trim her hair..haha..but who knows, at the end, i oso cut it liao, coz honestly, the hairstlist's 手势really not bad lo ;p 完全符合了我这懒人不爱打理头发的习惯, simple and nice yet need not have to spend too much time on upkeeping my hair :) hehe..i can jz go out without combing my hair :O
Hehe...is kind of silly gal look lo after the hair cut. Haa..but duno y, i like it oh :D Well, actually this hair makes my face look rounder. Haha...now my look is jz like a big biscuit face wi a mushroom head....Haha...damn silly funny look lo!!! Well, still like it very much, no complain at all after finished cutting. I like it immediately on the moment i saw him trim my hair :)
Hehe...the nice silly hair cut really lights up my day though :D Haha...所以当头发遇到理发师=奇迹的发生咯 (哈哈...让原本毫无生气的头发重生咯) :D
Jz now, my sis and i went to have a hair cut where our cousin highly recommended us to go to have a new look. Actually, only my sis wanna to trim her hair..haha..but who knows, at the end, i oso cut it liao, coz honestly, the hairstlist's 手势really not bad lo ;p 完全符合了我这懒人不爱打理头发的习惯, simple and nice yet need not have to spend too much time on upkeeping my hair :) hehe..i can jz go out without combing my hair :O
Hehe...is kind of silly gal look lo after the hair cut. Haa..but duno y, i like it oh :D Well, actually this hair makes my face look rounder. Haha...now my look is jz like a big biscuit face wi a mushroom head....Haha...damn silly funny look lo!!! Well, still like it very much, no complain at all after finished cutting. I like it immediately on the moment i saw him trim my hair :)
Hehe...the nice silly hair cut really lights up my day though :D Haha...所以当头发遇到理发师=奇迹的发生咯 (哈哈...让原本毫无生气的头发重生咯) :D
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Last nite, ewa and i went to pasar malam. Haha..tis gal, really knows me well, she knows me luv to hang in pasar malam. So, she'll ask me to jalan pasar malam whenever she is able to bring me to the pasar malam :D
Hehe, hey dear, i know u dun like me to say "thanks" to u...hehe...well, i really appreciated a lot for u to come and fetch me to lepak whenever u r free, 10x for ur sharing, advice and ur 'special super VVIP privilege' for me to truoble u when i'm down :) and 10x for ur patient to pointing out my weakness.
Hmm..yes,yes, yes, got to admit tat i'm really blessed among u guys, who i'm always been well protected and advised before i got a chance to fall down. Really 10x for listening to me blar blar on those little silly things while u guys r hving more important things to do :) 10x for always spending u guys' time wi me while u guys can actually have a good rest :)
Dear, i know u got a lot of regrets throughout ur life...study, luv relationship, life style, work, and etc. Hehe...also need thanks for ur patient to listen on my same console phrase tat without any obvious help for u :) Well, on tis morning, i heard the radio, they said "life is full of regrets, yet the most important thing is tat u know how to appreciate ur sorrowfull”.
Hmm..sounds so wu nai rite? Well, tat is life, either u got to take it or leave it. So, since we choose to take it liao, then we got to bear wi the consequences as well :( Haihh…wat a life, full of wu nai! Well, we still got to be positive in our mind, haha, tat is how u teach and console me when I’m suck :) For whatever situation tat we face, it sure has a lesson or a purpose for us to learn it :)
Today’s pain will be the success on tomorrow :D Hence, for the sake of our better future, we got to bear with it :) Hehe, dear, so we got to gambathe together lo, for our better future, do not give up, cheers ;p

Hehe, hey dear, i know u dun like me to say "thanks" to u...hehe...well, i really appreciated a lot for u to come and fetch me to lepak whenever u r free, 10x for ur sharing, advice and ur 'special super VVIP privilege' for me to truoble u when i'm down :) and 10x for ur patient to pointing out my weakness.
Hmm..yes,yes, yes, got to admit tat i'm really blessed among u guys, who i'm always been well protected and advised before i got a chance to fall down. Really 10x for listening to me blar blar on those little silly things while u guys r hving more important things to do :) 10x for always spending u guys' time wi me while u guys can actually have a good rest :)
Dear, i know u got a lot of regrets throughout ur life...study, luv relationship, life style, work, and etc. Hehe...also need thanks for ur patient to listen on my same console phrase tat without any obvious help for u :) Well, on tis morning, i heard the radio, they said "life is full of regrets, yet the most important thing is tat u know how to appreciate ur sorrowfull”.
Hmm..sounds so wu nai rite? Well, tat is life, either u got to take it or leave it. So, since we choose to take it liao, then we got to bear wi the consequences as well :( Haihh…wat a life, full of wu nai! Well, we still got to be positive in our mind, haha, tat is how u teach and console me when I’m suck :) For whatever situation tat we face, it sure has a lesson or a purpose for us to learn it :)
Today’s pain will be the success on tomorrow :D Hence, for the sake of our better future, we got to bear with it :) Hehe, dear, so we got to gambathe together lo, for our better future, do not give up, cheers ;p

Monday, March 19, 2007
第四类情感, 比友情多, 比爱情少
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 不打着友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
所谓"第四者", 是续"第三者"之后出现的一种感情对象, "第四维情感" 属于柏拉图式的精神情感, 奉行只谈感情不谈实物, 只要过程不要结果的方针.
"第四这"并不是一个新生事物, 古已有之, 男人的第四者叫"红颜知己", 女人的第四者叫"青衫之交", 也许"青衫之交"这种说法过于文雅, 除了书面用语外, 早已谈出了我们的生活, 现代女性更喜欢使用一个平权色彩强烈的词汇, 来称呼她们的"第四者"---蓝颜知己!
从表面上看, "第四者"不像"第三者" 那样富于攻击性和破坏力, "第三者"磨刀霍霍, 登堂入室, 巧取豪夺, "第四者" 则以互不干涉和影响各自生活为前提, 各取所需.
在现代人情感方式日趋多元化的今天, 这种看似"有益无害"的男女新关系, 也 被一些人称为"绿色情感".
"第四者"不屑于与庸常的婚姻纠缠, 他们没有养家, 生子等诸多考虑, 不必顾忌门当户对和存折上的数字, 他们互相安慰, 理解, 有点想念, 优点关心,却不涉及太过煽情的话题, 他们追求心领神会, 心意相通, 心有灵犀.
"第四维情感"徘徊于友情和爱情之间, 具体来说, 就是比友情多一些, 比爱情少一点的男女之情, 此类情感不能算是纯粹的爱情, 却又超乎普通的友情, 有人谓之"情感中的上品"!
"第四维情感"看上去潇洒, 自由, 但也是最不容易把握,最难处理的一种感情.
这是因为一对异性知己之间, 一般都有很深的感情基础, 有的甚至比夫妻的感情还要深, 却因为各种原因没有在一起, 或者不愿意走在一起.
人非草木, 日久可能因情生爱, 原本柏拉图式的精神情感可能会自觉或不自觉的超越精神生活的范围, 纯洁的底线可能变得模糊甚至崩溃, "第四者" 变成"第三者", 这时候知己不再单纯是知己, 该如何界定就要看事情的发展了.
所以, 在第四维情感里, 丰富历练的成熟心灵是必要的, "尺度" 问题更是非常重要, 把持住"尺度", 才能保证彼此不受伤害, 不受诱惑.
怎样判断"第四者"还是"第三者"呢? 知己莫若己, 问自己你的身体是否像你的精神一样需要她/他?你们彼此靠近的渴望是否超过了理智控制的范畴?
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 敢作敢当, 不打著友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
能做红颜知己的, 必是女人中的精品, 能拥有红颜知己的, 必是男人中的智者.
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 不打着友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
所谓"第四者", 是续"第三者"之后出现的一种感情对象, "第四维情感" 属于柏拉图式的精神情感, 奉行只谈感情不谈实物, 只要过程不要结果的方针.
"第四这"并不是一个新生事物, 古已有之, 男人的第四者叫"红颜知己", 女人的第四者叫"青衫之交", 也许"青衫之交"这种说法过于文雅, 除了书面用语外, 早已谈出了我们的生活, 现代女性更喜欢使用一个平权色彩强烈的词汇, 来称呼她们的"第四者"---蓝颜知己!
从表面上看, "第四者"不像"第三者" 那样富于攻击性和破坏力, "第三者"磨刀霍霍, 登堂入室, 巧取豪夺, "第四者" 则以互不干涉和影响各自生活为前提, 各取所需.
在现代人情感方式日趋多元化的今天, 这种看似"有益无害"的男女新关系, 也 被一些人称为"绿色情感".
"第四者"不屑于与庸常的婚姻纠缠, 他们没有养家, 生子等诸多考虑, 不必顾忌门当户对和存折上的数字, 他们互相安慰, 理解, 有点想念, 优点关心,却不涉及太过煽情的话题, 他们追求心领神会, 心意相通, 心有灵犀.
"第四维情感"徘徊于友情和爱情之间, 具体来说, 就是比友情多一些, 比爱情少一点的男女之情, 此类情感不能算是纯粹的爱情, 却又超乎普通的友情, 有人谓之"情感中的上品"!
"第四维情感"看上去潇洒, 自由, 但也是最不容易把握,最难处理的一种感情.
这是因为一对异性知己之间, 一般都有很深的感情基础, 有的甚至比夫妻的感情还要深, 却因为各种原因没有在一起, 或者不愿意走在一起.
人非草木, 日久可能因情生爱, 原本柏拉图式的精神情感可能会自觉或不自觉的超越精神生活的范围, 纯洁的底线可能变得模糊甚至崩溃, "第四者" 变成"第三者", 这时候知己不再单纯是知己, 该如何界定就要看事情的发展了.
所以, 在第四维情感里, 丰富历练的成熟心灵是必要的, "尺度" 问题更是非常重要, 把持住"尺度", 才能保证彼此不受伤害, 不受诱惑.
怎样判断"第四者"还是"第三者"呢? 知己莫若己, 问自己你的身体是否像你的精神一样需要她/他?你们彼此靠近的渴望是否超过了理智控制的范畴?
爱情是爱情, 友情是友情, 敢爱敢恨, 敢作敢当, 不打著友谊的旗号自欺欺人, 是每一个成年人 应该勇敢承担的责任!
能做红颜知己的, 必是女人中的精品, 能拥有红颜知己的, 必是男人中的智者.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
男人的女性知己叫红颜知己, 女人的男性知己叫青衫之交.
,比爱情少一些的男女之情,套现代人的说法,这叫 "第四维情感", 而红颜知己/青衫之交就是"第四维情感"中的"第四者".
"第四者" 是继"第三者"之后出现的另一种情感对象,这种情感只求内心与精神的愉悦,只谈感情,不谈实物,只要过程,不要结果.
红颜知己也罢,青衫之交也罢,在世人眼中,总是逃不脱诡轨秘秘的"色彩"."第四者"是天使还是魔鬼? 是纯情还是自欺? 这是一个很多人热烈争论的问题.
,比爱情少一些的男女之情,套现代人的说法,这叫 "第四维情感", 而红颜知己/青衫之交就是"第四维情感"中的"第四者".
"第四者" 是继"第三者"之后出现的另一种情感对象,这种情感只求内心与精神的愉悦,只谈感情,不谈实物,只要过程,不要结果.
红颜知己也罢,青衫之交也罢,在世人眼中,总是逃不脱诡轨秘秘的"色彩"."第四者"是天使还是魔鬼? 是纯情还是自欺? 这是一个很多人热烈争论的问题.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
哈哈...不知道是不是最近看了太多的浪漫爱情电视连续剧. 剧里, 男女主角都一直在鼓吹巧克力=浪漫=幸福=恋爱的感觉!!! 哈哈...所以最近我也迷恋上了吃巧克力 :D haha...some more is ferrero rocher!!! Woo~~ undeniably, it really damn nice and fantastic!!! Haa..duno since when, i started to like it very much liao...从以前不爱吃甜食的我, 现在竟然被巧克力给完全打败了 :O
之前也没觉得巧克力有多好吃的嘛!!! 可是, 就在昨天饭后, 也不知道为什么会走到冰箱去拿ferrero rocher to eat :D 嘻嘻, 可能是饭后没口感吧, 总觉得想吃些甜的, 又有些可以咀嚼的小东西...haha...so ferrero rocher was the best thing for me to do so lo.
哈哈...本来也没觉得怎么样的嘛.嘻...可是就是不知道为什么, 在突然之间...when the chocolate melted in mouth, Woo~~ suddenly feel so fantastic and 幸福被爱的感觉噢...
Haha...when i said tis to my sis, she gave me a 不削 look, haha..she said she doesnt feel so too!!!haha, my sis really doesnt know how to be romantic for a while while to 配合我感觉幸福一下嘛 :D
嘻嘻...现在饭后一粒巧克力, 成了我最大的幸福享受 :) 哈哈...一天一粒巧克力, 幸福开心一整天 :D
之前也没觉得巧克力有多好吃的嘛!!! 可是, 就在昨天饭后, 也不知道为什么会走到冰箱去拿ferrero rocher to eat :D 嘻嘻, 可能是饭后没口感吧, 总觉得想吃些甜的, 又有些可以咀嚼的小东西...haha...so ferrero rocher was the best thing for me to do so lo.
哈哈...本来也没觉得怎么样的嘛.嘻...可是就是不知道为什么, 在突然之间...when the chocolate melted in mouth, Woo~~ suddenly feel so fantastic and 幸福被爱的感觉噢...
Haha...when i said tis to my sis, she gave me a 不削 look, haha..she said she doesnt feel so too!!!haha, my sis really doesnt know how to be romantic for a while while to 配合我感觉幸福一下嘛 :D
嘻嘻...现在饭后一粒巧克力, 成了我最大的幸福享受 :) 哈哈...一天一粒巧克力, 幸福开心一整天 :D
Cheese cake breakfast
Haha…last nite I was doing the cheese cake again!! Coz fr the news paper article, I saw there recommended the benefits of cheese :) So I was thinking of my left over cheese fr last time I did. Then, without thinking too much, I jz went to refrigerator took out the cheese and make the cheese cake :D
The article reminded me of hving cheese in the daily breakfast ;p Woo~~is kind of new try for me to consume cheese cake as my breakfast…Haha…at least I didn’t try it b4 to eat cheese cake in the early morning lo :D
Cheese contains Conjugated Linolenic Acid. It belongs to good fatty acid. It prevents skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer as well as able to reduce the chance of getting heart diseases, diabetics. Lastly, the research found that the CLA is able to reduce the storage of fat. Hence, it is a good source to control the weight :D haha…amazingly rite…we always tot tat the cheese will increase the cholesterol yet fr the article, I start to realize the bright side of the cheese lo :D
The article reminded me of hving cheese in the daily breakfast ;p Woo~~is kind of new try for me to consume cheese cake as my breakfast…Haha…at least I didn’t try it b4 to eat cheese cake in the early morning lo :D
Cheese contains Conjugated Linolenic Acid. It belongs to good fatty acid. It prevents skin cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer as well as able to reduce the chance of getting heart diseases, diabetics. Lastly, the research found that the CLA is able to reduce the storage of fat. Hence, it is a good source to control the weight :D haha…amazingly rite…we always tot tat the cheese will increase the cholesterol yet fr the article, I start to realize the bright side of the cheese lo :D
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